Our Training Stack

Professional Skill Training

In line with the set of job requirements, appropriate specialty skill training programs are carried out and led by the business division while coordinated by the HR department. Performance appraisals are implemented and improved to assess the practical application and the training achievements

Generic Skills Training

Along with the job requirements, a generic skills training and development system for employees is established according to the business demands. Furthermore, individual abilities and potentials are taken into consideration so that these general skill training programs can be tailored for the individual needs and to facilitate the employees’ overall improvement.

New Employees Orientations

All new employees’ orientation is organized and updated on a regular basis. These steps include role changes, corporate instructions, HR policies, company history and career development, all of which are designed to help new employees get accustomed to the new environment and their new roles easily and rapidly.

Leadership Skill Development

With the adoption of the group’s training plans A, B and C, leadership skill development and improvement of the senior level management team are prioritized and the reserved cadres’ team is strengthened in order to build up an effective system for training and developing a valuable personnel system for the company.

Corporate Training

Communication Skill

Communication mitigates conflict, improves public relations, as well as fueling innovation. Communication builds existing skills, increases job satisfaction and loyalty. Communication powers productivity, builds a culture of teamwork and trust.


Teamwork Improves Productivity. Teams that work together are more productive and motivated toward company goals. Team work builds Greater Synergy, Increases Innovation, Engages Employees, Enhances Flexibility, Overcomes Obstacles, Improves Service levels and Gain Fresh Perspectives.


Ability will make employee more valuable, a better leader, makes employer and employee to be better equipped to face challenges, while be more happy. Adaptability makes you to adapt to career changes and be more relevant.

Problem Solving Skill

Why are problem solving skills important? Problem-solving skills allow you to find candidates who are cognitively equipped to handle anything their jobs throw at them. Problem solvers can observe, judge, and act quickly when difficulties arise when they inevitably do.

Creative Work Ethic

This Increases employee trust and employee motivation. This Increases employee engagement and reduce workplace stress, It also Increases employee collaboration and teamwork. Work Ethics Increases employee self-development and Improve work-life balance in the workplace.

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal communication skills can help you be productive in the workplace, build strong and positive relationships with your colleagues and complete team projects smoothly and effectively. The benefits of good interpersonal skills can affect the morale and productivity of your entire team or department.

Time Management

This Provides a better quality work, more productivity and efficiency, as well as much less procrastination, less stress and anxiety. Time Management Improves quality of life, more opportunities, career growth, as a result of more time for leisure and recreational activities.

Security Training


Cybercrime Detection & Prevention

On digital security measures, such as the need for increasingly stronger passwords, Penetrating Test and keeping a company's employees informed about how to spot suspicious communications before they become an issue. Monitoring the latest threats and shutting them down before they cause damage to the business.

Data Security & Protection

Protection for your business – Cyber security solutions provide digital protection to your business and individual self, that will ensure your employees aren't at risk from potential threats such, as Adware and Ransomware. This Increases productivity.

Business Analytics

Business analytics help organizations to reduce risks. By helping them make the right decisions based on available data such as customer preferences, trends, and so on, it can help businesses to curtail short and long-term risk.

Data Science

Knowledge of DATA science Increases business predictability, Ensures real-time intelligence, it favors the marketing and sales area, It Improves data security, helps interpret complex data and facilitates the decision-making process.